Attention Inventors! Important dates to know!

Our invention convention is fast approaching!  Make sure you know the upcoming deadlines and requirements:

Feb 10 (Monday) :  Bring your display boards to the MPR.

Feb 11 (Tuesday):  1st grade, 2nd grade, and 3rd grade individuals and all teams will be presenting their inventions in the MPR.  These inventors will be called from their classrooms beginning at 8:25am.

Feb 12 (Wednesday): 4th grade and 5th grade individuals will be presenting their inventions in the MPR.  These inventors will be called from their classrooms beginning at 8:25am.

Bring your invention on the day that you are presenting to the MPR before school starts or with you when called from your classroom to present.

Individual entries will be given a total of 5 minutes to present and answer the judges’ questions.

Team entries will be given 10 minutes total to present and answer questions.

Team Tip: Divide the presentation among the group or have one do the presentation but everyone has to have a turn in answering the judges’ questions.

Good luck!

Invention Convention Team

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